Latest Episodes

S1E13 - On Considering IVF Abroad
In this episode, I discusses my journey with donor egg IVF and how I eventually ended up choosing to undergo IVF procedure in the...

S1E12 - On Sisterhood Among SMCs w/ Shivonne and Kim
In this podcast episode, Aisha chats with Kim and Shivonne, about sisterhood among Single Mothers by Choice. Kim explains that with black sisterhood, in...

S1E11 - On How Parenting as a Single Mother by Choice can be a Journey into your Past
In this episode Aisha dives into (what she describes as) the most challenging stage of the Single Mother by Choice journey: parenting. She discusses...

S1E10 - On Planning for a Summer Abroad w/ Jas
In this episode, Aisha and her guest, Jas (aka @blackexpatmom on IG), mom to a school age child who does summers abroad, discuss how...

S1E9 - On Ending the SMC Journey and Moving on w/ Rahmah
In this episode, Aisha sits down with guest Rahmah who shares her story of transitioning from pursuing a Single Mother by Choice lifestyle to...

S1E8 - On Making Mommy Friends w/ Vikki
In this episode, Aisha sits down with her friend Vikki to talk about their friendship journey. The two friends share how they first met...