Latest Episodes

S3E12: What's it Like to Lead an Adoption Community (Noire Adoptions) w/ Jourdan
Join Aisha and guest Joudan from Noir Adoptions on this insightful episode of Start to Finish Motherhood. Discover the various pathways to parenthood, with...

S3E11: What's it Like Adulting while Healing from Trauma (Mother Wound) w/ Vero
Join Aisha and her guest, Vero, in an enlightening and deeply personal conversation about breaking generational trauma, mother wounds, and the journey towards healing. ...

S3E10: What's Involved in Preparing for the Unexpected Financially w/ Nicole, CFP
In this insightful episode, we welcome back Nicole, a certified financial planner, to tackle one of the biggest fears for single mothers by choice...

S3E9: What's it Like Navigating Infertility as a Black OBGYN w/ Dr. Maya
Aisha sits down with Dr. Maya, a dynamic fertility strategist, coach, and pediatrician, as she shares her compelling journey through the fertility ecosystem. From...

S3E8 - What's it Like When Your Baby Finds YOU! w/ Keisha
In this episode Aisha sits down with Keisha to discuss her inspiring and tumultuous journey to motherhood. From navigating fertility challenges to finding donor...

S3E7 - *Rebroadcast* On Challenging the Assumption that Single Mothers by Choice Hate Men w/ Clinton
This is a rebroadcast of the Bonus Episode from season 1... In anticipation of Father's Day, Aisha Jenkins challenges the assumption that Single Mothers...